Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Summer Reading

Thanks to the blog God's Word to Women who alerted me to a new book on gender entitled, Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Understanding of Gender. The following quote is from a review in Books & Culture on Christianity Today,

"Finally Feminist lays this paradigm out. From Genesis to Revelation, Stackhouse argues, God's overriding purpose in working with his creation is to make the truth of the gospel in Christ clear. To accomplish this, God works within human culture, rather than wiping it out and starting fresh. His acts of redemption are limited by the human context in which they take place. As an example, Stackhouse points to the miracles of the Gospels. Jesus did not heal everyone, or raise everyone from the dead, even though this was well within his capacities. Rather, he limited his miracles so that they acted as "signs of the inbreaking of the kingdom through him and thus signs of his authority and identity." In the particular time and place of the Incarnation, this served God's sovereign purposes."

This fits well into a Christian sociological analysis of feminism and I look forward to adding it to my summer reading list. That list grows longer each day and this is still the first week of summer vacation! If you have read this book, let me know what you think.