Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, & Tizrah
Daughters of Zelophehad Posted by Hello (Numbers 26)

The current issue of Mutuality Spring 2005 includes an interesting article about a Bible story I had never heard before. It is the story of the daughters of Zelophehad, found in Numbers 26. These 5 sisters were the only offspring of one of the Israelites who died in the desert on the way to the Promised Land. As females, they were denied, by Israelite custom, of the laws of inheritance that would have given property in the Promised Land to the sons of deceased men. Together, these sisters appealed to Moses concerning the unfairness of this gendered reality - namely that their father's name would not be honored in the Promised Land simply because he had no male offspring. Moses was touched by their appeal and took their request to the Lord. God told Moses to grant their request,"What Zelophehad's daughters is saying is right. You must certainly give them property as an inheritance amoung their father's relatives and turn their father's inheritance over to them. (Num. 27:7 NIV)"

This was a bold move by women in that day. Typically, women had no rights at all according to Judiac law. We see through this story that God does not desire this for women. He desires for women to be treated fairly and equally in all instances.

Today we should be bold as these daughters and appeal to those who are in authority for equal standing with men both in the church, in our communities, in the workplace, and in the home. It is a bold move today as it was then. I am sure there was murmuring that occurred in the camp of the Israelites when the daughters dared to ask for something previously denied to women. Today we hear the same retort - why do women need to always clamor for roles of equality? We need to clamor in order to be heard. It is not sinful to request equality. It is what God desires for us.

I wonder why this story is buried within the OT and rarely discussed or preached? If you are intereseted in more about the daughters, visit the Mutuality website.


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